EDC - Educational Development Corporation
EDC stands for Educational Development Corporation
Here you will find, what does EDC stand for in Publishing under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Educational Development Corporation? Educational Development Corporation can be abbreviated as EDC What does EDC stand for? EDC stands for Educational Development Corporation. What does Educational Development Corporation mean?The Publishing company falls under publishing category and is located in .
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Alternative definitions of EDC
- Export Development Corporation
- Exhibitor Designated Contractor
- European Documentation Centre
- Error Detection and Correction
- Estimated Date Of Confinement
- Error Detecting Code
- Engineering Data Control
- Electronic Digital Computer
View 167 other definitions of EDC on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- ECL Educated Change Ltd
- EHP Express Healthcare Professionals
- ENA Energy Networks Association
- ECP Emergency Care Programs
- EAES Evergreen Aes Environmental Services
- EBU Epigram Brand Union
- EMB Equity Mortgage Bankers
- ECBC Effingham County Board of Commissioners
- EQHL EQ Homes Ltd
- ECSPL Empress Cybernetic Systems Pvt. Ltd.
- EFRAG European Financial Reporting Advisory Group
- EPU Exceptional Parents Unlimited
- EC The English Center
- EST Earl Stewart Toyota
- ETS Energy Team Spa
- EFL Enterprise Finance Ltd
- EOL Elko Organization Ltd
- ELI Energy Logistics Iraq
- EFT Engage Financial Technology